DEHRADUN: National Film Award winner and famous film producer-director Prakash Jha met Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami at the Chief Minister’s Camp Office on Sunday, 1 December. He expressed his desire to film in Uttarakhand. Prakash Jha said that the trend of people from the film world to shoot films in Uttarakhand is increasing rapidly.
CM Dhami welcomed film producer-director Prakash Jha and said that he would be given all possible support for filming in the state. He said that there are many destinations for shooting films in Uttarakhand. A new Film Policy-2024 has been made in Uttarakhand. Permission is being given through a single window system for shooting films. Films in Hindi and languages included in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution are being given a grant of 30 percent of the total amount spent in the state or a maximum of Rs 03 crore. A grant of 30 percent of the expenditure amount or maximum of Rs. 3 crore is being given on foreign films and films with a budget of more than Rs. 50 crore in the state. Tourism is being promoted by promoting films in the state.
CEO and Director General of Information of Uttarakhand Film Vikas Parishad Banshidhar Tiwari was also present on this occasion.