DEHRADUN: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami conducted a site inspection of the construction works of the Delhi-Dehradun Expressway at Dat Kali Mandir on 2 December, Monday. On this occasion, he received information from the officials about the modern technologies and environmental safety measures being used in the construction of the expressway.
CM Dhami said that the work of Delhi-Dehradun Expressway in Dehradun is in the final stage. He also expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari for the rapid construction of this expressway. He said that on completion of this expressway, the journey from Dehradun to Delhi will be completed in just two to two and a half hours. This will make the movement of people easier. The devotees coming for the Chardham Yatra will get more convenience.
The Chief Minister said that this project will also prove to be helpful in increasing the economy of Uttarakhand, promoting tourism and business activities. In this project, by coordinating ecology and economy, Asia’s largest wildlife corridor has also been created, which will protect the wildlife and make their movement free and completely safe.