“In a historic move aimed at enhancing religious tourism and economic growth, CM Dhami Inaugurated the Winter Char Dham Yatra at Omkareshwar Temple in Ukhimath, the winter abode of Lord Kedarnath.”
RUDRAPRAYAG: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami inaugurated the winter Char Dham yatra on Sunday, 8 December by offering prayers at Omkareshwar Temple, Ukhimath, the winter seat of Baba Kedarnath and praying for the happiness and prosperity of all the people of the state and the progress of the state.
CM Dhami, while inaugurating the winter yatra in Ukhimath, also conducted a field inspection of the various arrangements made by the administration for the yatra. On this occasion, he directed the officials to ensure all the necessary arrangements to facilitate the journey of the devotees coming for the winter yatra.
The Chief Minister said that the pilgrimage and tourism of Devbhoomi will be further strengthened with the launch of the winter yatra in the state. This will not only increase the arrival of tourists throughout the year, but many tourist places here will also become popular. Along with this, new employment opportunities will be created for the local residents, which will help in strengthening their economic condition.
On this occasion, MLA Asha Nautiyal, Bharat Chaudhary and Badri-Kedar Temple Committee President Ajendra Ajay were also present.