Dehradun: District Magistrate Savin Bansal has taken the initiative to empower the girls under the slogan ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’ and has started working towards making the girls self-reliant by taking the responsibility of graduation and skill education of poor orphan helpless girls.
At a the meeting of the District Task Force on Tuesday, The District Magistrate instructed to make a plan to educate the poor, orphan and helpless girls studying in adverse circumstances up to minimum graduation level, to provide them skill education and to connect them with employment under the ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’ scheme.
Under the program, the girls will be selected in Janta Darbar and multipurpose camps, applications received through various government offices in the district, girls residing in Balika Grihas under District Probation Officer and District Social Welfare Officer, on the basis of survey through all Anganwadi workers of the district.
The received applications will be verified by the concerned Child Development Project Officer and girls will be selected after obtaining the necessary documents. The committee will then send the provisional list of girls to the District Program Officer’s office along with the certificate of the girls’ eligibility to receive financial assistance. For the final selection and approval of eligible girls, the certified list received by the committee will be compiled by the District Program Officer and presented before the committee constituted under the chairmanship of the District Magistrate.
After the recommendation and approval of the District Task Force, the said financial assistance in the form of tuition fee will be transferred online to the bank account of the concerned school / institution and the amount for other expenses like books, dress etc. will be transferred directly to the girl through online medium as per the report of the Child Development Project Officer.
The re-admission of all the selected girls in the school will be done by the supervisor of the concerned area himself and a certificate to this effect will be obtained from the concerned school / institution and sent to the District Program Officer through the Child Development Project Officer. The Child Development Project Officer will need to verify the girls’ ongoing studies quarterly through the supervisor concerned and the report will be sent to the District Program Officer.
All expenses will be made from the budget limit and CSR received under the ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ scheme.