A teacher has the vision to blossom the flower of wisdom anywhere, in any season

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“A teacher has the vision to blossom the flower of wisdom anywhere, in any season.”

To honour the invaluable contributions of educators, the hearts of education, every year on 5th September we celebrate Teacher’s Day. It’s a day dedicated to all the teachers, who play a pivotal role in shaping the minds generation to generation and moulding them into responsible citizens and good human being.

To honour the legacy of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a distinguished philosopher, scholar, first Vice President and the second President of free India, his birthday is chosen as the date to recognize the contributions of all teachers. Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan believed in the importance of education and was an exemplary teacher himself. Just to commemorate his birthday every year on 5th September, we celebrate this day as Teacher’s Day.

Teacher’s Day is not just a date on the calendar. It is a reminder of the profound impact teachers have on our lives. Teachers instil values like respect, empathy and responsibility in their students. These values form the foundation of a just and compassionate society.

These dedicated individuals devote their time, energy, and expertise to nurture young minds, impart knowledge and inculcate values that extend far beyond the classroom. They serve as mentors, guides and sometimes even parental figures for their students. Teacher’s Day is an essential occasion just to honour their selfless service.

Teachers have the power to shape the future by imparting knowledge and fostering critical thinking skills. They prepare students to face the challenges of the world and contribute to their communities and society at large. Beyond academics, teachers often provide emotional support and guidance to their students. They inspire confidence, encourage creativity and help students discover their potential. Even on this they don’t stop, they keep on striving hard to do even better. They continually work on improving their teaching methods and stay updated with the latest educational trends.


Students must also have an attitude of gratitude for such encouraging and reforming support system. Recognizing their dedication encourages teachers too, to keep pushing the boundaries of education. Acknowledgment and appreciation can boost teachers’ morale and job satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates in the education field. Schools often organize special assemblies or events dedicated to teachers, where students show their gratitude through songs, dances or speeches.

There are various ways to celebrate Teacher’s Day and express gratitude to the educators or mentors who have made a difference in your life. Simple yet heartfelt thank-you cards are a great way to express your appreciation. Personal notes from students can mean a lot to teachers. Also, small tokens of appreciation like flowers, chocolates or books can brighten a teacher’s day. In the digital age, social media platforms provide an opportunity to share your appreciation for teachers with a wider audience.

Finally, I would like to say that Teacher’s Day is not just about celebrating a profession; it’s about recognizing the individuals who shape our future. It’s a day to remember the countless sacrifices, dedication and passion that teachers pour into their work. So, on this Teacher’s Day, let’s take a moment to thank the unsung heroes of education and reaffirm our commitment to value and support them in their noble endeavour of enlightening minds and enriching lives. Happy Teacher’s Day to all of you, once again! Stay enlightened!

Inder Arora-Motivational Speaker

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