DEHRADUN: The BJP leadership has nominated Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami as a star campaigner for the assembly elections in Delhi. Expressing happiness, the BJP State President and Rajya Sabha MP Mahendra Bhatt said that it is a matter of pride for all of us.
In a statement issued on 16 January Bhatt claimed that Dhami has become a leader not only of Uttarakhand but of the entire country. The historic and bold decisions taken by him in Uttarakhand have become examples in various states. That’s why, even before this in the Lok Sabha elections, the party had given him the responsibility of campaigning in more than 60 places across the country. The results were favourable for the BJP in all these places, he added.
He stated that Delhi is home to more than 25 lakh Uttarakhandi origin voters and claimed that Dhami’s participation in the BJP’s election campaign in Delhi would unite all of the Uttarakhandis to vote in favour of BJP.