Even Mountains Give Way to a Determined Person

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In the worst moment of life mindset paves the way and lead us to the victory.  Mindset has the power to turn ‘the Worst’ into the ‘Wow moment’ of life.  Great power lies in mind.  With the power of mind one can even easily control the demons.  Truly said – “Mountains bow their heads and give way to a determined person.

Any crisis, which enters into your life, makes you felt that utter chaos has taken place in your life and problems have surround you from all the ways.  You neither find any clue to overcome the problems nor be able to understand the situation properly.  It is a kind of life’s ‘Worst Phase’, which is hard to face.  You couldn’t be able to get any kind of cooperation or help from near and dear ones because they already leave you and go miles away from you in the time of crisis. You find yourself helpless all the ways. Remember! God never ever closes all the door at a time. You still have a powerful weapon (Bhramastra) with you. You still have a beam of hope that leads you to your goal. In such type of crucial time one thing matters a lot, and that is – ‘Your Mindset’.

While facing any crisis in your life it matters that which side your mind is focused to? Is it focused towards the side of problems? Or is it focused towards the side of solution?  Which side your mind is focused to, victory goes that side only. This is the simple funda of winning or losing the game in life.

While facing a crisis, if your mind is focused towards the problems, this kind of approach of your mind increases the size of problems and turns the victory far from you.  On the other side while facing the crisis if your mind is focused towards the side of solutions. The problem diminishes by itself and victory comes to your side even without much hard work and efforts.

My personal opinion about the crisis is – Every problem comes in your life with its solution. I won’t be wrong if I say, It is the prosperity only that enters in our life wearing the mask of crisis.  Whatsoever is the kind of crisis, big or small, doesn’t matter.  It is only your perception that makes a problem big or small.  Otherwise, problem is a problem, neither big nor small. Secondly, every crisis enters in your life with its expiry date.  Whatsoever may be the size of crisis, whatsoever may be the position of your life. But remember– in no circumstances never ever commit a mistake to shun the crisis, because it has the limitless possibilities for one to rise.

Inder Arora (Motivational Speaker)

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