No Ifs and No Buts on the way to the success

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi, once remembered Swami Vivekanand in one of his favorite segments ‘Mann ki Baat’, when he was addressing the nation on Drug Free India campaign. He said – “It appears to me that it becomes easy for drug to enter in life if there is no aim, no goal, no high intentions and there is a vacuum. If you want to save your child, then make them goal oriented, make them determined to do something, make them dreamers”.

The PM said – I remember those words of Swami Vivekananda. Those are very appropriate sentences for every youth. Swami Vivekananda had said – “Take up one thought, make that thought your life. Think of it, dream of it. Bring that idea to life. Fill your mind, muscles, nerves, every part of your body with that thought and drop all other thoughts.”

Truly said – Empty mind; devil’s house. An aimless person is like a drifting ship in the sea which has no destination to reach. This time one another thought of Swami Vivekananda is striking in my mind too i.e., Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.

Yes, absolutely right. It is not enough just to set a goal in your life and that’s it. To achieve your goals, you have to strive hard to achieve them. Perseverance plays pivotal role on the way to success.

If you want to gain something in your life, you’ll have to take pain. Pain of fixing goal in life. Pain of facing the challenges on the way to the target. And last but not least, you’ll have to take the biggest pain to sustain and to persevere till the goal is achieved. Means, No Ifs and No Buts on the way to the success.

Failing and gaining is not the matter of your ability, it is the matter of your perseverance capabilities. How long you can perseverance for your goal, decides the success or failure that comes to your side. I wouldn’t be wrong if I say that perseverance is that powerful weapon that doesn’t only decide your destiny but it is something that writes your destiny.

Time neither sees your ability nor it sees your capability, it just sees your availability. If you are striving hard and present there at the moment, you’ll get, otherwise you’ll lose. So many times, it has been seen that losers were those who gave up a second before than the winners. You can also understand this sentence in this way that Winners are those who sustain a moment more than losers.

In a world filled with uncertainties and challenges, one virtue stands tall as a beacon of hope and success i.e., perseverance. Perseverance is the unwavering determination to overcome obstacles, the refusal to give in to adversity and the commitment to pursue one’s goals despite the odds. Perseverance has been the driving force behind some of humanity’s greatest achievements and its significance cannot be overstated. Throughout history, countless stories abound of individuals who have harnessed the power of perseverance to achieve remarkable feats. Their journeys were riddled with setbacks and failures. Yes, it was their unyielding spirit that propelled them forward, enabling them to leave an indelible mark in the world.

Perseverance is not a quality reserved for the extraordinary few people. It is a trait that lies within each of us. It is the ability to navigate through life’s setbacks, failures, and disappointments with resilience and determination. Remember! setbacks are never roadblocks but stepping stones on the path to success. Perseverance is something that transforms challenges into opportunities for growth, fortifies character and expand your capabilities and vision.

The reason, I observed, behind winning of most of the people I knew, was sheer perseverance, not because they were more talented than anybody else.

Inder Arora-Motivational Speaker

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