Numerology Number 4: Know your Moolank (Birth Number) for personal growth

Numerology is not apart from the tarot, astrology and other so called occult sciences. All are interrelated. It is a magical number that can be used to know character and to understand the opportunities present in people’s lives. The number reveals a lot of information, like – people can find out more about their personality, career, love life compatibility with other persons, education, health, financial status, etc. etc. …


People born on any of the date 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any months, fall in the Numerology Number 4.  This numerological number is also called the Moolank.

Planet Rahu is the ruler of this. In numerology, planet Rahu is considered less powerful than astrology. Therefore, it is believed that numerological number 4 is ruled by planet Uranus. Planet Uranus is considered related to the Sun, number 1. In occult science this number is written as 4 –1. The point of Sun is on the root of the ring finger.  

Numerology number 4 is regarded as a perfect number in itself. As we know that the Sun is known for the name and fame and planet Rahu is known for Power and stability. So, number 4 is known for discipline, power worldly authority, fame, fortune, rule and stability.  People fall under this number are the excellent combination of determination, order, stability and consistency. As numerological number 4 is believed as a feminine number. Hence, natives belonging to this number are pragmatic and have rational thinking. They are considered to be lucky for zodiac sing Leo and Scorpio.


The numerological number 4 natives are the perfect combination of traditional values and modern practices. They are the workaholics and the worker bees of the universe. Number 4 natives are practical, social and highly analytical. They are a kind of social reformer. They are inclined to be attracted to social questions and reforms of all kinds and are very positive but unconventional in their views and opinions. They seem to take a different view of anything that is presented to their minds.

The key attributes of Sun, i.e., determination, punctuality, consistency and not giving up are the most attractive aspects in the numerological number 4 natives. They don’t believe something just because the majority believes in it.  They have different perspectives and they tend to owe this proudly.  Most of the times, their views are opposite to the views of others. They tend to view everything from an opposite angle. In an argument they prone to take opposite side, and although not meaning to be quarrelsome, yet they make a great number of secret enemies. Their views are hardly ever similar to the views of most of the other people around them.

The numerological number 4 natives have professional attitude. Because of that they are straight forward and to the point. They are extrovert. They don’t believe in shortcuts. While chasing their aim they become aggressive and blunt. They don’t take any decision in hurry. They are good savers and wise enough with investments. They are determined, hardworking and have a positive approach to life. They are both learners and good teachers as well. They love to chase knowledge. They always remain keen to learn new things. They love to surround themselves with intellectual people. They always believe to turn their good into better and better into the best.

The most elegant positive aspect in the numerological number 4 natives is that they are powerful, still they are down to earth. They are candid, loyal, trustworthy, systematic, and well organised.  As they are completely filled with consistency, punctuality, responsibilities, they never give up. They are the realistic people; they don’t live in dreams. They find whatever they wish. The numerological number 4 natives are good managers and better analytical as well. They easily find out solutions of the problems which arise on the way to success. They are great planners, managers and organisers too. They are the good supporters of their own. They love to help themselves. In the time of lurch, they don’t expect help from others. They take risks and snatch the initiative. It has been seen that most of time their views are different from the views of others. But it doesn’t bother to them. They are happy to have different perspectives, they are happy to own their ideas and they are happy stand on their standpoint. They take the charge of their own. They make themselves responsible for their decisions and perceptions. They simply refuse those ideas which come from crowd. And it doesn’t bother them even a bit. They have a good habit to see dark side of any situation. They always keep in mind both sides of a coin. They never hesitate to forward their standpoint and put cross-questions always.


The numerological number 4 natives are not money oriented. Most of them have a habit of criticizing others. They may have sleep issues as their mind remains on even when they go to bed. To strive hard for their aim is their positive aspect. But it has another side also. So many times, they miss the enjoyment of life. So many times, they waste the most sizzling melting moments of life like that just because of their serious approach towards the life. They can’t adjust with others easily. They believe in the policy that my way is the highway, simply.



Challenges are the weaknesses in you. You can call them Unattractive Personality Traits. These are the stumbling blocks on the path of success. These must be dealt with before trying to attain success, happiness or extreme bliss in life. You have to take them as the challenges of life and face them bravely.


Motivation helps you out to accept the challenge, face it courageously with full of potential and overcome the weakness successfully. Challenges are much more difficult to be dealt with. There will be chaos in life until the weaknesses are overcome.


The biggest challenge for the numerological number 4 natives is their demure attitude in the matters of intimacy. They are too bashful to convey their feelings and emotions. Their love lives take rather long time to be flourished.     


Being slow doesn’t harm. Be slow; but be sure. Believe in yourself and remember – Slow and steady always wins the race.


The biggest challenge or you can say the biggest weakness for the numerological number 4 natives is their ego. They have a big issue of ego and it is a big challenge for them to get rid of it.


Ego is non else then your self-created pride issue about yourself. Be calm & composed. Spare at least half an hour from 24 hrs. Use this time to sit calm, to meditate, know your true self and let ego go. Having pride on self is good but considering others low is bad. Confidence is good but over confidence always proves harmful.


Another big challenge for the people of Moolank 4 is to overcome their anger. The numerological number 4 natives are short-tempered. It is quite tough to make them understand in the time of aggression.


Try to remain calm and don’t take any decision during aggression. Always remember anger is a letter away from d-anger.


The numerological number 4 natives are stubborn. Most of the time they sound judgmental. They become too tough to bear.


I’d like to say you must try not to be so judgmental about people. Avoid giving quick opinion or taking decisions especially in the time of aggression. Stubborn or judgmental attitude fails at every step of life. My standpoint is don’t be too judgmental or stubborn, be compassionate and brotherly.


One of the most often committable weakness in numerological number 4 natives is that they have defensive approach. To tend to protect themselves and try to hide facts. To cushion something up, they even speak lie, which is, in fact, so many times, sheer unnecessary. This weakness proves very expensive to them.


I’d like to say to the numerological number 4 natives that don’t be defensive; be offensive.


They have the worm of perfectionism. They try to do each and every task with full of perfection. Moreover, they expect the same standards of perfection from the people around them. Whenever it doesn’t happen as per their expectations, they get disappointed.   


It is good to do any of task with full diligence, commitment and dedication. There is no any kind of harm in perfectionism from your side or another. But in the situation of vice-versa disappointment or regret is not good. Don’t have rigid approach towards perfectionism. Remember! Do your best and leave the rest!


The numerological number 4 natives are the excellent performers of team work. They are well planner; they plan everything in advance. They cannot start anything in hurry, without a plan. Some of the fields where they can perform exceptionally well are: army, management, science and banking sector. They can also excel in the field of education, administration and agriculture. As the numerological number 4 natives are intellectual, good analytical and success oriented, they can get extraordinary success in any job where they focus their mind completely. They don’t believe in leaving any work half done, hence they perform exceptionally well at all the jobs which require intellect and attention. But unfortunately, they believe in the miracles or expect direct assistance from the Supreme Power, which distracts their mind from focus.

The numerological number 4 natives don’t wish to take credit for the work done by them even they deserve it. These people deserve and do respectful jobs in the field of IT and real estate. They also find themselves comfortable as facilitators, personal assistants and in accounting jobs.

As the numerological number 4 natives have analytical mind, it is almost impossible to betray them.

Love Harmony

The numerological number 4 natives are extremely reticent in love affairs. They don’t feel free to express heart feelings and love relationships. They take time in giving their consent. They are rather far away from passion and sensuality. Though they are awesome buddies and amazing friends who are always there for friends. They are good providers too; they make sure to the spouse that he/she is in safe hands and has a secure future.

They may be slow in love relationships but, they are sure. Once if they fall in love, they stuck to it. They are heart-to-heart in relationship; fidelity is their innate beauty of nature. The numerological number 4 natives have the best love compatibility with Moolank number 1, 5, 6 and 8 people. Persons of Moolank number 4 itself can have good tuning with them too as a buddy or spouse.


Dates: 1, 2, 3. The dates after 9 must be reduced by adding the two digits together. Dates which get reduced sum 1, 2 or 3 are also lucky.

For Example: reduced sums of date 10, 11, 12 and 13 are (1+0) =1, (1+1) =2, (1+2) =3 and (1+3) =4 respectively.

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday.

Months: January, February, October, November.

Gem: Garnet, Hessonite (Gomed)

Colours: Blue, Green, Yellow, Gray.

Direction: East, South-east.

Metal: Silver

Yantra: Rahu Yantra

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Letters: D, M, V

Job: Astrologer, Technical, Engineer, Aeroplane related jobs.


Dates: 8. The dates after 9 must be reduced by adding the two digits together. Dates which get reduced sum 8 are also unlucky.

Colours: Black, Red.

Diseases: Sleep disorder, stress, back pain, indigestion.

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