Prime Minister Narendra Modi has created awareness about cleanliness among the people of the country through Swachh Bharat Mission. The state government is also running the Swachhta Abhiyan on mission mode, the Urban Development Department definitely deserves praise for the maintenance of public toilets: CM Dhami
DEHRADUN: Uttarakhand has got third place among all the states of the country in the ‘Clean Toilet Challenge – 2023’ competition organized by the Central Government for the maintenance and cleanliness of public toilets.
Along with increasing the number of public toilets across the country, the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), operated under the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, is also emphasizing on the cleanliness of public toilets. Under this, along with keeping the public toilets in working condition, making them easy to access, the focus is on cleanliness and safety.
In this regard, the Clean Toilet Challenge – 2023 competition was organized by the Mission last year. In which, after receiving applications from various states, Uttarakhand has got third place in the list of states with more than a hundred bodies. Gujarat has been first and Odisha second in this list. About 40 percent of the public toilets of Uttarakhand included in the survey have met the highest standards of cleanliness and safety. There are a total of 2553 public toilet seats in Uttarakhand, which are mostly present in urban bodies, travel routes, pilgrimage sites, tourist places. According to Secretary Urban Development Nitesh Jha, for the cleanliness of public toilets, all the bodies have been specially instructed, as well as the number of public toilets is also being increased.